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Europe Tag

London, UK – There were so many of us

The thing that impressed me the most that day was not only the sheer number of people who showed up from all over the UK but also the pervading spirit of optimism. We all truly believed that, like the Vietnam protests that some of us participated in during the late 60s, our voices were...

London, UK – It was an amazing time.

I was studying Arabic at SOAS at the time and been to check out Syria and Damascus University where I was hoping to do a year of my degree. I stayed a few months and travelled to Jordan and Lebanon. It was an amazing time. I got back to Uni and we did...

London, UK – This is a film that must be made.

In February 2003 I was living in London. I remember September 11th 2001 because I was working at the same company I work for now, NewsNow.co.uk. We watched events unfold on an old TV in the office while trying to keep the web site up and running and coping with the demand. I went...

London, UK

Our bus started at the Central Mosque in Birmingham.  We joined with thousands of others to try to influence Blair.  How naive we were!...

Brussels, Belgium

I didn't march on February 15 2003. On that day I was in my office trying to help the MEPs belonging to the Nonviolent Radical Party Transnational and Transparty. Bush and Blair used to repeat that "doing nothing is not an option", so the Radical MEPs wanted to avoid the war by sending Saddam...