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London, England

My Wife of five months and I, had never been on a protest march together before, but she felt so strongly about the proposed attack on Iraq, that she immediately declared to me “I’m going to join the protest march!” It was her first ever protest and she didn’t know what to expect (whether...


On the day I travelled up from SE London to London Bridge and walked towards the Embankment to the start. I never had any doubts about the need to demonstrate which I had done many times before against the threat of war. As always, however, until the start of the march the uncertainty about...

London, UK

I travelled down down to London from Bedfordshire on the train with my wife and children. There were so many people doing the same. I couldn't understand why the government want listening....

London, UK

I travelled down down to London from Bedfordshire on the train with my wife and children. There were so many people doing the same. I couldn't understand why the government wasnt listening....


I just had to be there, and I was. I really believed that with that many people saying 'No' to war, with that number of people so clear with their view and intent, that it would make a difference, that the government would hear it. When it didn't, my understanding of democracy completely...


My wife to be Helen one of m best pals Dave and myself drove into central London, parked my car and unloaded our wheelchairs out of the boot. We took to the street to say 'Not in Our Name' and we wheeled the the three and a half mile march to Hyde Park....

London, UK

I remember being shocked that the people just kept coming and coming into the park. People I know had never been on a demonstration before joined that day. Seeing more than a million people in one place was unreal. We thought it was impossible to ignore. Sadly, Blair did ignore us. I know...


My husband was a soldier, he died in 1992 shortly after coming back from Iraq, so when they decided another was was in order, I could no longer sit back and do nothing, some friends decided to join the march,this was my first march, and it gave me a opportunity to raise my...

London, UK

Nothing special, just wanted to support for the anti-war protest - make a visible objection. Very privileged to see & hear one of the last public speeches given by Michael Foot, one of my great parliamentary heroes....

London, England

I marched with up to 2 million people in London. I marched with my sister and with my cousin and I felt the souls of all those people marching with me singing for peace, love and compassion. I marched against hate and suffering. Even though they still went to war, history recorded that we...