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It was clear there were no WMDs and that getting control of Iraq's oil was paramount. The fact that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 was also clear. As predicted a country that had few if any terrorists was turned into a chaotic hotbed of terrorism. Blair's arrogant disregard of evidence and...

London, UK

A total humbling experience to be part of such a world movement with a united voice of 'not in my name'. We experienced the inevitable kettling by the Police but it didn't break the chain of resistance that was powerfully palable- linked as we knew for sure - with a worldwide thread of...

London, UK

I've been on protest marches for various issues since I was a teenager, including the notorious anti-poll tax demo that ended in mass riots (and was the death knell of Margaret Thatcher's leadership). But nothing prepared me for the sheer size of the anti Iraq invasion demo. I was with a huge group...


London. We travelled by coach which was organised by our local Greenpeace group (Waveney Greenpeace) from Suffolk to London. Rob my partner and our son James who was 10 years old. We had an amazing and inspirational day. We really believed it would make the difference that was so desperately needed....


Cars were not being allowed into the city so we had to find another way. My son, Fraser, and my grand-daughter, Lydia, (then aged 13) who live in Edinburgh came to West Lothian because we had been told, most kindly, that Linlithgow SNP could let us have places on their coach.We were VERY...

Bradford, UK

As well as marches, there were lots of acts of civil disobedience all over the UK. In Bradford, on the morning of the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, myself and a group of a dozen or so people chained ourselves together across Leeds Road, one of the main roads into the city. The...

London, England

I marched with friends and family in London. It was a massive march and it took us a long time to get to where the march was due to start from and an even longer time before the march got under way. When we started we went along the Thames Embankment under the...


I was just 14 but old enough to feel rage. Me and 5 other friends bunked school after second period and reached Central London around midday. There, we joined the protest (the front, middle, back- we didn't know. There were too many people) and marched until the night. It was my first ever...


I met a friend I've known for 20 years who is from Iraq originally, and who has a far more interesting story to tell than me. Through her I met her friend, Chris Johnstone, on the march. He is co-author with Joanna Macy of Active Hope - www.activehope.info/chris-johnstone.html - so he too has...