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London, UK

I was 12 years old and my mum and I marched together. It was my first protest and it was such an exciting and strange feeling to walk with united strangers....


I'd marched before for and against several issues over the years but this felt different from the start. Just the hint of the size. The point it hit me I think was as we went down the length of Whitehall and the march stretched ahead and behind as far as I could see...

London UK

I traveled from Falkirk, Scotland to London UK and took part in the Mass Anti War Demonstration. I took part, not because it would halt the war, since Blair / Bush et al had already made up their minds, I took part because of the charade they played vis-a-vis the UN which had...

Scarborough, UK

As a teenager in secondary school but already a protestor of the war, there was no choice but the run out of school. Literally run; chased by teachers and staff. The first attempt (with a band of 3-4 dozen others) was to run into next door school's field and get a bus from main...


I was six months pregnant. It was a hard day on my feet. I remember thinking, 'So, this is why pregnant women don't create revolutions.' I didn't want my baby born into a world at war. I was gutted that we weren't listened to, but glad that by marching I felt I had...


i came from Preston and managed to get one of the lasts seats, all the transport was full, how many more would have come if there had been the means to get there? I hoped and prayed it would make a difference, even if the governments went to war, the world world would know...

Brighton UK

People could not believe a Labour Government would take this country to war. There was so much anger and resolve in the march that the government get the message that this was not the will of the people....


I marched with my mum and Steve and my friend and his father who had family in Iraq. i remember the sheer volume of people in the streets- old and young from all walks of life...

London, UK

It was an inspiring day, people from all over the country marched through London and for a moment we believed we could change the direction our government was heading in. The optimism in the crowd was palpable and I think many of us were even more devastated by what came next because of...