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Sydney, Australia

I've never been in amongst so many people. The day was very civilised, we had Yum cha for breakfast then marched to Hyde Park. Looking back, it was amazing to be part of but huge sadness remains at what followed....

Halifax, Canada

It was a very cold day and a group of 4 families, including mine, drove into the city for the March. We were already aware of the numbers of the March in London and were very inspired to hear of Marches across the world although the press coverage in Canada was poor. I...

London, UK

I left the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (University of London) with others from my course after our MSc graduation to join the March as it came close by. Many others from the School did the same....


I marched with The Woodcraft folk, my youth group in London. I couldn't believe that this was under a Labour government. I have never voted Labour since. On the first day of the Iraq war we also stormed our town hall, in Brighton, Sussex. The Police came in and sprayed pepper spray directly...


I was appalled that we were planning to bomb Iraq for trumped-up reasons. I had to take a stand....


I was appalled that we were planning to bomb Iraq for trumped-up reasons. I had to take a stand....


Marched with the Woodcraft Folk. Took my 10 year old daughter Cassie with me. We all wore orange T shirts printed for the demo....


I tend to be a silent protester (rather than a fence sitter) and have wondered in the past at the value of protests. On the eve of the Iraq war however being promoted by Tony Blair and his ilk together with the obvious and blatant lies involved I decided to become physical and join...

London, UK

I walked that day with my family including my three young children aged 2, 5 and 8 and with my parents aged 65 and 84. The fact that all these generations were represented demonstrated to me how widespread the opposition to the war was and how peace was important to our future on...