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Boulder, CO, US

It was a small number, husband suffered from a break down from events related to 9/11 and by the time of this march the marriage had collapsed and I walked with my 7 year old son. The pain from having tried to go on with our lives as if the message brought to...


It was a bitterly cold day; I had cycled there with 2 friends. We joined the march and then listened to speakers in Hyde Park who included the Rev Jesse Jackson, Vanessa Redgrave and Bianca Jagger. It was incredible to be out there, in protest, with so many people but the overriding memory...

Los Angeles, Washington, D.C. and New York City

Not my story . . . rather my promo for the film: ANTI-WAR ACTIVISTS . . . Peace Makers . . . Lovers of Life . . . If you were one of the millions upon millions of individuals (and yes - there were that many people) who took to the streets to protest in...

Melbourne, Australia

The biggest protest I've been to was also the one that made me realise that I didn't live in the democracy I thought I did. Even though thousands demanded 'NO WAR', our country still went to war. I couldn't understand how the country I'd been told was a democracy was able to so...


Cold weather, duct tape, police dogs/horses, civil obedience/disobedience, love/hate, warm soup!...

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

I went to the demonstration in Amsterdam together with my father, my sister and a good friend. I remember the banners NO WAR FOR OIL. And this is exactly what the problem was and still is. It felt terrible that also the Dutch government were part of the so called "coalition of the...


No story. What we did together was valid in its own right and what ever happened after that fact cannot be deleted from history. And when the history of that time comes to be written, it will have to say, we were there....

Tucson Arizona, United States

At sunset we marched from a church to the Campbell - Speedway streets intersection. We did a candlelight vigil for peace. My 11 year-old son was with me. He's 24, now. We're still at war....