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Washington D.C

I was there. It was in Washington D.C. USA. I crossed the Peace Bridge in Fort Erie,Ontario around 9:00 p.m. on the Friday evening. It was snowing hard. We all met at a College in Buffalo, N.Y. Six buses left that evening and traveled all night to Washington arriving around 9 or 10:00...

New York City, USA

I rode the train into New York City from the New Jersey suburbs where I lived then. The train was packed with people of all ages. Everyone was happy and excited. When I got to 3rd Avenue there was no where else to go. We were penned in by metal barricades and stood...

San Francisco, United States

I went to the march with my teenage son. The build up to the war and the general mass hysteria following 9-11 made me terrified. My son was very passionately opposed to the war. We discussed the issues frequently. We rode up with a group on a chartered bus from our town an hour...

Washington, DC

One of the coldest days I can remember, but how my heart was warmed by people standing up against the war....

San Francisco USA

My family demonstrated in the streets against the illegal, immoral invasion of Iraq. We prayed for the many victims of a senseless, needless war of aggression....

San Francisco USA

My family demonstrated in the streets against the illegal, immoral invasion of Iraq. We prayed for the many victims of a senseless, needless war of aggression....

Washington, D.C. Usa

Road overnight bus chartered by native Americans from Lco res in nw Wisconsin to Washington. Had great day protesting in the cold, then road overnight to get back home. Any congressman that says no one knew there were no weapons of mass destruction is not credible. All they had to do is look...

Vancouver Canada

- I came to Canada in 1969 as a refugee from American militarism. I knew what a war based on lies meant to people attacked by the United States. The Vietnamese people were slaughtered mercilessly by the American military and I felt it my duty to express my opposition...

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

It was a inspiring day. I had just moved to NC to be a teacher there. It was powerful to discover many of my new colleagues were also there participating in the march!...