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Australia Tag

Adelaide, South Australia

I was arrested at that march for protesting peacefully and all charges were dropped. No one else was arrested here. I'd be interested in the footage if anyone finds it. I used to say, back then…”If my partner and I had a child this war [Iraq] will be still going when my child is old...


We traveled 160 km to Melbourne, because we were determined maximize the impact of our protest...

Sydney, Australia

I've never been in amongst so many people. The day was very civilised, we had Yum cha for breakfast then marched to Hyde Park. Looking back, it was amazing to be part of but huge sadness remains at what followed....

Adelaide, Australia

This was the first protest movement I participated in. I remember the strong sense of moral outrage and the collective consciousness of the crowd as we marched against injustice and for a better state of humanity....


No story - I walked to protest a war that was patently unjust and uncalled for. And look at the subsequent misery and mayhem that have been unleashed. A magnificent film deserving of a wide audience....

Melbourne, Australia

The biggest protest I've been to was also the one that made me realise that I didn't live in the democracy I thought I did. Even though thousands demanded 'NO WAR', our country still went to war. I couldn't understand how the country I'd been told was a democracy was able to so...

Sydney, Australia

My wife and I took our 5 year old daughter to the protest. My daughter is now 19 years old and she is so proud that she stood together in protest on this day....

Sydney, Australia

My wife and I took our 5 year old daughter to the protest. My daughter is now 19 years old and she is so proud that she stood together in protest on this day....